Family Matters


When we became parents we where fortunate to have a wonderful extended family who committed to praying for us as we started our parental responsibility of raising our kids to become Christ followers, when they say it takes a village to raise a child I think nothing is more true when it comes to the spiritual part of life.

We always found Christian books, music and movies to be wonderful tools that help continually implant the biblical truths to form into their hearts and minds.

At each stage in our parenting journey we have choosen to be involved in kids ministry so this modeled to our children that our faith was a very important and normal  part of our lives and as a family we would be known in the community to be a Christian family, we started with Mainly Music then moved onto Sunday school teaching, Bible in school teaching, Rally leaders then Inter Jesus.

We also served in Christian camping for 6 years working and living on site so being involved in camp life was a great way to model and live out our faith as a witness to others and a way we could involve our kids in the process.

As they have gotten older we have tried to foster great relationship with not only our kids but their friends and creating a safe place where any topics could be discussed openly.

Parenting has been a blessing to us but we could never of done it without prayer and God’s enabling us to raise them to seek a relationship with him.

No parent is perfect and we are certainly not but all we can do is plant the seeds that will hopefully take roots and flourish into something deep and real in our childrens lives.
