Snapshots from around the World: Lubumbashi, Congo

News from our colleague Dr Serge in Lubumbashi, Congo indicates that COVID19 cases are starting to arrive at hospitals in the city. Lockdown in Congo has little or no ability to create social distancing. With the majority of the Congo population living from day to day in the process of procuring food there is no way they can exercise the privilege of NZ model of shutdown!  There are no benefits, no funding for business etc . On the positive side no debt for the majority of their youth for generations to come and more chance of quick recovery!! The truth is the death toll is still low due to the fact that Congo’s aged population is small by western levels. 

Please pray for the assembly’s mission hospitals and staff as they are in the most dangerous position as cases come in. 

Our literature,  helping people to understand COVID19 presence and suitable cautions to be taken, is often the only advice going out to many centres. The attached gospel presentations are being read and appreciated.

Ben has been teaching  a BSL course to a small group of leaders

Below is his report and attached a photo of this event showing the participants with their manuals.

7 Leaders Leading Like Jesus and Barnabas

One popular wisdom says that “there is no bad group, but bad leaders”. To transform groups, training of leaders is a better approach. From May 26 to 29, CDLA organized a training of 7 Leaders on the BSL module called “LEADING LIKE JESUS AND BARNABAS”. In this session Dr  Serge, the president of the CDLA, another doctor,  the administrator of Garenganze church, as well as the radiologist were associated to follow teachings alongside three other people including an Elder, two Pastors and Andre the logistics manager at CDLA. By selecting this category of Leaders, we intended to transform their characters according to the model of Jesus and Barnabas. This team helped us to have fruitful exchanges based on the teachings given by Benjamin, reading of the Word and the articles.Thank you for your support as well as your prayers.
